Friday, December 3, 2010

Sermon Diagnostic

1)  Jesus' name was mentioned 17 times

2)  The verbs were: Made holy, slain, took, slain, died, rose, came, rose, came, and is.

3)  The theme of Borghardt’s sermon differed greatly from Edwards’ sermon.  Although only a segment of Edwards’ sermon, which totaled six hours, I find it hard to believe that he mentioned Christ as much as Borghardt did in fifteen minutes.  Borghardt preached God’s grace because of Jesus.  Edwards was all about God’s fury and the pains of hell.  Edwards’ sermon offered one way out of these pains, that being Jesus, but he rarely mentions it.  It seems he would much rather rave about how bad hell will be than how you can get out of that eternity.  Borghardt preached Christ saves.


  1. Showing the difference of the number of times each pastor referenced to Christ in their sermon was a good way to prove your point that Edwards focused on fear instead of God's mercy like Borghardt did.

  2. Tim, I like how you pointed out that even though Edward's sermon was 6 hours long, he mentioned Christ as much as Borghardt did in his 15 minute sermon. Also, the way you summarized Edward's sermon as "raving about how bad hell will be," and for Bordgardt's you summarized it in only two words. Two words is all needed for the main idea of Borghardt's sermon.. "Christ saves." :)

  3. Tim,
    You did a nice job showing the differences between law and gospel in both sermons.
