Wednesday, January 5, 2011


1.     "Quite simply, use what you have until it can no longer function."  This single sentence proves his point.  That being, use what you have, your body, even when it does not work anymore.
2.     Semrau keeps some important information from you, throughout the article, on purpose.  It suits this article well.  If he gave all of the information, the reader may become distracted by all of the facts about himself that he gave.  By keeping it this way, he focused the article on recycling, not on himself.  He began his work career as an engineer, then, later in life he decided he wanted to become a surgeon.  At seventy-five, he holds many jobs and believes that he is doing good by reusing his ability to work.  When he dies he donates his body, another example of reusing what he had "until it can no longer function."  Semrau gives you just enough information to keep the story focused on recycling not his life story, which is how I think, this story is supposed to be.

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